
Saturday, October 5, 2019

The People's Choice SAL - Cats

Jo at Serendipidous Stitching is hosting a Stitch A Long the first Saturday of the month, with the topics chosen by her readers.  This month's topic - Cats.

These cats are available as free charts at Happiness is Cross-Stitching.

Scrappy Cats Quilt

I made this cross stitch cat afghan in 1995, and keep it on the back of my chair for cool evenings.

This is my cat Monica, who liked to sit with me as I stitched when she was alive.


  1. You are have made some beautiful cat pieces Pamela, Monica was a beautiful girl.

  2. Cats are my favorite animal. Love your choices!

  3. What a beautiful Patchwork cat Monica was! Your needlework cats are charming, too!

  4. Love your cat stitching. I can't stitch with a cat in my lap. He wants to play with the thread....

  5. Monica was such a gorgeous cat! I'm sure you miss her so very much. I love all the stitched pieces, Pamela. You're so gifted with a needle!

  6. So nice pieces, love the patchwork a lot. Thanks for sharing. xxx

  7. Thanks for taking part in The People's Choice this month. I love the way you finished the Happiness freebie cats, they are a lovely series.
    It's been nice to see photos of everyone's real cats this month too.

  8. Aaah, Monica looks so sweet on your lap! How lovely to have had a stitching companion...... I’m afraid mine don’t play the game, or should I say they’d love to play chase the cotton! But seriously, their fur would get caught in my stitches, which is one reason I’ve not finished any cross stitch lately! The little sweeties want to sit on someone’s lap a lot of the time now!
    All your cat stitcheries are really beautiful, Pamela!
    Barbara xx

  9. Great cat crafts, and Monica was such a sweetie :)

  10. Your quilted cats look lovely! AriadnefromGreece!
