
Sunday, October 6, 2019

Ashitaka Suijinja Temple Hike

This is the second year I have participated in the guided hike to Ashitaka Suijinja Temple with the same guide.  Last year it was rainy and cool, but this year we had a beautiful sunny day. This year the guide had the emergency vest plus he wore a helmet!

I shouldn't have been surprised to see men sweeping the stream.  Everything is kept neat and clean in Japan.

One hearing impaired man was on the hike and several of the other hikers knew Japanese sign language.

This is a wasabi farm.

The entrance to the Temple grounds.

The dragonfly landed and didn't want to fly away.

Do you notice anything about the guy on the right? I often see Japanese people doing this and I am always amazed.  He is resting with his feet flat and his behind is about one inch from the ground. I cannot do this. Can you?

It was an enjoyable hike on a beautiful day!


  1. I wish my foot allowed me to do all the wonderful hikes you take. You see the most beautiful things and I'm so grateful you share them with us.

  2. What a beautiful countryside for a walk :-)

  3. So much to see and experience on a one-day event. Nice to compare it to last year's excursion, too.
    No, I can NOT sit like that!

  4. What a wonderful hike Pamela, was the helmet in case the man fell over? Looks like you had the best day for it. I have never seen a stream being swept before!! I can squat like that man for about 2 seconds and then I have to move as all the leg complains!! We saw many people resting like this in Vietnam and Cambodia.

  5. Hi Pamela awesome place to hike Japan is such a pretty place and it does always look so clean and tidy ,I love the falls,Thankyou for sharing this beautiful place with us glad you enjoyed it xx

  6. Beautiful and very interesting locale. Thank you for the wonderful post.

    best... mae at

  7. If you want to sit like that you have to start young, I think, and keep your joints flexible.

    It looks like everyone enjoyed the walk.

  8. It looks like it was a great walk! Lots going on too!
    I’ve never heard of anyone sweeping a stream before!
    No, I couldn’t sit like that!
    Barbara xx

  9. What wonderful weather for a wonderful hike!
    I know this resting/squatting position as a 'Slavic squat' because people from Eastern Europe also often seem to be able to do it, but I can't get anywhere close to pulling it off!
