
Tuesday, August 4, 2020

The Summer of No Festivals

Because of the pandemic, this is the summer of no festivals in Japan. Actually, I think it's the Year of no festivals.  Here are but a few photos and links to Festivals Past.

Yabusame Festival

Minato Festival Fireworks

Mochi Festival

Sapporo Snow Festival

Summer Festival

Munich Festival

Half Year Festival

Sapporo Yosakoi Souran Matsuri

Karigane Festival

Winter Lantern Festival

Summer Lantern Festival

Fire Walking Festival

If you are interested in Japanese Festivals, you can find links to more of them here. I do hope to be attending more festivals in the future!


  1. You have wonderful festivals! They're so very visual and your photos are terrific!

  2. This is a year of normal things not happening isn't it, I am sure the festival's will return once it is safe to do so.

  3. 2020 is the year of cancellations!

  4. Most festivals in Japan have a long history and will be back in full swing once the pandemic is over. You have already been to a good variety of festivals and by looking at the photographs I am sure you can 'relive' them.

  5. I would love to attend the snow festivals. I read that Japan also has Christmas markets like in Europe. Your festivals will return, it has certainly been an uneventful year.

  6. I'm sure you are missing your usual summer activities, I know I am!
