
Tuesday, March 2, 2021


Over the years, I have stitched many afghans and I have a couple of afghans in progress right now. 

The Dogwood  

Guess How Much I Love You 

I have photos of ones I have stitched since coming to Japan. 

I made this Teacup afghan for Ted's mom in 2012.

I made this as a gift for my friend in Sapporo.

This pink one with white hearts was a baby gift for my friend in Hokkaido.

This was a wedding gift for my friend here in Shizuoka.

I used the same pattern in 2012 for friends in Yokohama.

I made this map of Japan afghan last year.

I think this was the first I ever made, in 1995.  I have it on the back of my chair for when it's cool. Maybe it is my favorite.

Over the years, I made many for wedding gifts.  I made one with purple hearts as a wedding gift for a co-worker in Raleigh. I made one with a giant pink flamingo for one of Ted's friends in Alaska. I made a huge flower afghan as a 50th wedding anniversary gift in Illinois. After we sold our house in Indiana, I made one with houses and trees for our realtor. I made one with Santa Clauses in each block one year as a gift.  Maybe there are paper photos somewhere of these and others.


  1. Pamela: They are all lovely, I have a couple of afghans I have never stitched on, maybe now is the time to do so.
    Have a lovely day


  2. "Afghan" must be a North American word for these embroidered items, but I don't know what they would be called in Australia. I usually associate "afghan" with a crocheted blanket. But when I googled "afghans" I got pages of recipes for a New Zealand biscuit, which I hadn't come across before.

    Anyway, whatever you call them, you have made a huge number of beautiful ones!

  3. Lovely Afghans. Love the one with kittens. You have made so many.

  4. You certainly have a good number of Afghans under your belt! Ted's mother's teacups have some interesting designs. I don't think I have seen a goldfish in an aquarium cup before!

  5. I've never stitched an afghan, but I want to some day! How do yours look like on the back, is it just the back of the stitching?
