
Saturday, June 18, 2022

WIP/UFO Update

I last posted about my WIP/UFO's here. This is my latest update. I've taken out the finished projects and added the new ones. Bold titles show the ones I have worked on in 2022. It seems like I am starting more than I am finishing.

Bead Wrist Band

Bead Nutcracker

Year 2 of the Temperature Quilt 

Year 3 of the Temperature Quilt 

Year 4 of the Temperature Quilt 

Year 5 of the Temperature Quilt

The House Quilt

Hexagon Block Wall Quilt

Mt. Fuji Applique Pouch


Ribbon Album Wall Quilt

Braid Border 

Mary Queen of Scots  

Bess of Hardwick 

Paisley Purse

RSN Knot Garden 

RSN Rice Fields

Miniature Chair Cushion 

Silk Gauze Cat 

EGA Drawn Thread GCC (the oldest UFO, I think)

Blue Hardanger 

White Hardanger - Linda Driscoll

Eyelet Fob

Dogwood Afghan 

Sneek Sampler

Cross Stitch 

Cross Stitch Border


Sashiko Table Runner



Fashionable Ladies 


Little Dragonfly Stumpwork Project

Sardinian Filet

I think visiting this list from time to time is helpful.  It reminds me what I have that is still unfinished (and also how many things are still unfinished). Maybe I can challenge myself to put at least a few stitches in each project and try to finish more than I start.


  1. I enjoy seeing your updates. I have not been game to blog a list of my unfinished stuff like this. I do keep a spreadsheet of my quilting projects and what stage they are up to, but other things get forgotten about.

  2. I also enjoy watching your UFO.
    I'm also looking forward to these things changing over time.😄

  3. How do you decide which UFO to work on? Do you have a pile of boxes and work on the project inside the top box, and then work your way down the pile?

  4. Some of these projects have been sitting in the list for a long time, but there also a lot of changeover from each list to the next! Always fun to see those.
