
Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Stitch Group Sunday

I had such a good time Sunday! Of course, I always enjoy these stitch get togethers! 

One stitcher has finished her Japanese hanging. Isn't it gorgeous?  It looks so professional.

Three stitchers discussed how to do the special corners, which is all they have left do do on theirs.

We started working on the small drawstring bags that I introduced at our last get together. It's interesting to see the combinations of fabrics and colors and embellishments chosen by each person.

I already had an example piece made, but I added some sequins and beads on each side.

We had a wonderful assortment of Tea Time sweets. 

You might be wondering about the colored balls. Last week was Setsubun (the eve of the beginning of spring), where one of the traditional activities is to throw beans at the oni (demon) while shouting Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi! (Demons out, Luck in!) and eat one bean for each year of your life. (That's the short version). The colored balls are flavored sugar covered beans. The brown ones (cinnamon flavor) were my favorite.

Until next time ...


  1. The wall hanging is certainly beautiful. I have a kit for something similar in my drawer which I must make up! Looking forward to seeing their draw string bags, yours is lovely. xx

  2. I love seeing your stitch group activities. I think the wall hanging is a nice finish. I'm looking forward to the next project.
    I think you do a great job preparing the ingredients for each person.

  3. Everything your group does looks pretty and fun -- even the food!

  4. I remember this lady always made the most amazing blocks for the Partnership project at Tokyo Dome. Her stitching and design skills are, as you say, on a professional level.
    However, so are many of the others, too. I think all your students have grown enormously under your leadership. Keep up the good work, Pamela-sensei.

  5. Eating one bean for each year of your life must get harder each year! I think that many sugar-coated balls at once would send me towards diabetes.

    Lovely to see the stitchers and their projects again.

  6. Wow, that wallhanging looks great, as does your little bag! And your treats look delicious, I'm a little hungry just looking at them...

  7. Beautiful wall hanging. They are very clever ladies.
