
Monday, July 8, 2024

Stitch Group Sunday

We met yesterday and started a new project. I was having so much fun that I neglected my photography duties.  I apologize for not having better pictures this time.

Show and tell - one stitcher finished her drawstring bag (front and back).

Four of us started a new project - a cover for a Clover circular thread cutter. We basted the shape onto the fabric and designed what we would stitch on the fabric, then started the stitching.

Tea Time

I took a picture of mine after I got home. The real color is the same as the other three.  I plan to make a scissors fob with the squares.

If you are wondering, this a what a Clover Circular Thread Cutter looks like.

(I will take more and better photos next time!)


  1. It is important to have time and ENJOY the moment. If we spend too much time taking pictures of it, we can't experience it.
    It might have something to do with the EXTREME heat you had yesterday - record temperatures in Japan.
    Making a thread cutter cover is a good idea.

  2. Pretty bag and a great start on the small stitching projects. xx

  3. Hello Pamela: I like the photos they look good to me, what a great idea to make a cover for the Clover Thread cutter, I love the idea, I am looking forward to seeing it finished, your treats look yummy, I love watermelon.


  4. Those drawstring bags are wonderful and I love your new piece. And now I know what that cutter is!

  5. What a lovely bag, so colourful!
    The covers are off to a great start.

  6. Oh that will be a cute little project, and useful as well!

  7. So many cute pouches have been completed!
    I didn't know about thread cutters. I love watermelon.
