
Sunday, July 7, 2024

Spring Danann

I am so thankful that my friend's niece invited me to her dance performance again this year.  It was different this time, in that the main story was danced by professional dancers and the dance school students filled in with the other parts. I was told that the orchestra was made up of university music students. It was a fabulous show! 

This link is the website. And below are some pages from the program.

I loved the show and am grateful I was asked to attend!


  1. Lovely to be invited and even more so to go. It sounds delightful.

  2. The Japanese ballerinas I have seen have danced very well and always given a magical performance. I am sure you had a wonderful time.

  3. I bet it was a great experience for the students to work with professionals, even if it's kind of sad they didn't get to shine as much in their yearly presenation!

  4. I think the show with professional dancers and students was a great experience for both parties.
