
Saturday, July 6, 2024

Theo Jansen Exhibit At Shizuoka Prefectural Museum

I walked to the Prefectural Art Museum for this Theo Jansen exhibit without knowing what I was going to see. After seeing the exhibit, I checked it out on the internet. About 30 years ago, the Dutch artist, who originally trained as a physicist, began building large mechanisms out of PVC that seem to be able to move on their own, with the help of the wind. He named these creations Strandbeest, and are intended to be a fusion of art and engineering. 

I thought the exhibit covered only a small part of the usual exhibit area.  The creatures were large and there were quite a few people at the museum when I was there, so it was a little hard to take pictures.

Some of the exhibit had a hands on component, like the one below where museum goers could push this Strandbeest to see how it would move in the wind.

I think this board was to show how they move.

Some were quite large.

There were also videos showing the movement of these creatures on the beach.

The exhibit has been moving to different museums around Japan.


  1. What a fascinating exhibit! And these are fascinating. I think I need to look them up!

  2. Pamela: Thank-you for sharing I have seen a Strandbeest in motion in a music video on YouTube, it was amazing.


  3. They seem fascinating constructions but would be best seen outside in a breezy environment, probably from a distance.

  4. I think I've seen pictures of these before. How interesting!

  5. I knew about this exhibition, but I couldn't go. I once saw a photo on TV of the actual exhibit moving on the beach.
    The video looked like a creature I had never seen before was walking.
    Thanks for sharing the photo.😊
