Mill Hill Frosty progress - getting close to finish…
Summertime Fuji progress
The Virgin Queen’s Stitching Pocket
I finished the stitching quite a while ago. The time has come to do the finish finishing. This is a Betsy Morgan design, with the directions in this book, Willing Hands 2. After I finish it, I’ll use it and imagine Queen Elizabeth I using hers.
New start - Hawaiian table mat
I’ve wanted to try this technique, but I don’t want to take on a large quilt project. This piece is about 30 inches square, so it will finish slightly smaller. I’m not very good at needle turn appliqué, because I need much more practice! The scissors are pointing to the small bit I have done so far.
So many fun things - the fabric colour on the needle turn piece is stunning, looking forward to seeing more of that!