Saturday, September 21, 2024

Meiji Jingu Shrine

I took the train into Tokyo one day recently and the first place I visited was Meiji Jingu Shrine.  

After the emperor’s death in 1912, the shrine was built in 1920 to commemorate the virtues of Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken. The shrine's buildings were destroyed during World War II but rebuilt after a public fundraising effort. Over 100,000 trees were donated from all over Japan and planted by volunteers to create the 170 acre forest surrounding the shrine.

It was very hot the day I was there but there are plenty of shady walkways.

I highly recommend visiting this shrine.


Queeniepatch said...

It's a very relaxing place - the traffic noise of the metropolis is totally muffled away, and you can enjoy the birds singing - at least on a cool day.
Did you drink the water at the well?

diamondc said...

Hello Pamela: Love seeing your travels, this is a lovely place, it looks so quiet and serene.
