English Paper Piecing Projects

I'm hooked on EPP!  Here are the things I've made or am working on. The titles of the finished projects have links to the post about the finish.

The Big Quilt

The Bedspread

Year 5 Temperature Hexie Quilt (As of May 2022)

Year 4 Temperature Hexie Quilt (As of March 2025)

Year 2 Temperature Hexie Quilt 

Year 1 Temperature Hexie Quilt 

Someone Else's Temperature Quilt

Chair Cushion

Hexie Tree Wall Quilt 

Sashiko Table Mat

Handkerchief Zipper Bag

Butterfly Bag

Butterfly Bag

Hexagon Pouch

More Placemats

More Japanese Hexie Placemats

Japanese Hexie Placemats

Holiday Hexie Coasters

Five Hexie Ornaments

Sashiko Runner

Hexagon Pen Holder


Orphan Pouch

Hexie Key and Change Holder

Five Mini Hexagon Ornaments

Two Big Hexagon Ornaments

Mary's Lavender Bag

The Apron

 Sakana Daigaku Sewing Machine Cover

Purple Shoe Bag

Ted's Slipper Bag

Flower Coasters

IPad Cover

Travel Jewelry Holder

Pin Cushion

Hexie Bag


Table Runner

Hexagon Pouch


Janie said...

I'm glad I found your epp section, your projects are wonderful! Great results with epp and hexies.

Julierose said...

I just found your site plus the EPP section--that big bed quilt is just an amazing piece--lovely works all hugs, Julierose

NADINE said...

VERY inspiring !


Jeanie said...

I am completely overwhelmed by the glorious projects you are working on. That bed quilt is glorious -- but then so is everything else here! And I LOVE the colors!

Queeniepatch said...

You have such a great collection. My favourite is the sewing machine cover.