
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Craft Classes

When I lived in the US, I often took stitching classes with my local guilds and I went to Calloway School of  Needlearts twice and attended EGA National Seminars quite a few times.  In Japan, I haven't had those kinds of opportunities, but I have taken other types of craft classes since moving here seven years ago, most of them while traveling.  Here is a recap on classes, with links to the original posts.  

Surigata Yuzen - Coasters (first half of post) - in Kyoto December 2012.

Okinawan Glass Blowing (second half of post) December 2012.

Okinawan Bingata Class (first half of post) Small mat - this was in December 2012.

Okinawan Weaving Class (second half of post) Coaster- same trip as above in December 2012.

Hokkaido Quilt Show Mini Classes, May 2013.

Bali Batik Classes - I took two classes with two different teachers in December 2013.

Janet Bolton Class at Bath Summer Textile School, August 2014.

Jan Beaney Class at Bath Summer Textile School, August 2014.

Canvas Class at Royal School of Needlework, August 2014.

(Still not finished)

Christmas Origami Class, December 2014.

Hokkaido Quilt Show Mini Classes, May 2015.

Hokkaido Weaving Class - September 2015.

Pottery Class - in Hokkaido September 2015.

Japanese Paper Making in Wakayama Prefecture in December 2015.

Udon School in Shikoku, May 2016.

Paper Book Cover Class in Shizuoka August 2016.

Weaving class in Shizuoka October 2016.

Okinawa Weaving - Tea Mat - I took this class in December 2016.

Bingata Bag Class in Okinawa - December 2016.

Coral Painting Class in Okinawa - December 2016.

Hakata Hariko Painting Class in Fukuoka - this was on my Kyushu trip in August 2017.

Tokyo Craft Crossings Classes in November 2017.

Coral Painting in Okinawa, January 2018.

Shibori Class in Aichi Prefecture, May 2018.

Yuzen Table Mat class in Kyoto, March 2019.

So, I think that's all the classes I've taken since leaving the US. I'm ready for the next class!


  1. You have made some really stunning things during your craft classes.

  2. You are very good with your hands!
    I like Keisuke Serizawa. He is most
    famous of Bingata Artist,he lived in Shizuoka.Your the work is fantastic and beautiful!

  3. You have such an open mind and are always eager to learn. Great character.
    Which of the classes did you enjoy the most?

  4. You look lovely in the pictures! Your loveliness matches well the loveliness of your handwork.

  5. What a fantastic array of classes! Looking forward to seeing what your next class is.

  6. With all those classes you are a wealth of knowledge. Glass blowing is something I have always wanted to try.

  7. I love that you stretch yourself with taking all kinds of creative classes, regardless of media. You've done some really stellar work and I'm so impressed with it all! Really beautiful things and so diverse. Do you have a favorite (besides stitching?). And I loved seeing your happy face being creative!

  8. I love how you take every opportunity to learn something new!
