Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Vernal Equinox Day


Tomorrow is a national holiday in Japan - Vernal Equinox Day. Before WWII, the holiday was called Shunki Koreisai, a shinto holiday to honor past emperors of Japan. In 1948, it was changed to Shunbun no Hi, a day to celebrate beauty in nature and living creatures.  The traditional food for this day is botamochi, a wagashi made with glutinous rice, white rice and sweet azuki paste.


Toki said...

At this time of year, seasonal sweets such as Ohagi and Sakuramochi are lined up in the sweets section of supermarkets.
I like Japanese sweets, so I eat them from time to regardless of the season.😊🍡

Jeanie said...

You have the most -- and the best -- holidays!

Leonore Winterer said...

Japan loves its seasons! And spring comes with such pretty colours. Here, it feels morel ike winter again right now...