Monday, March 24, 2025

Monday Morning Star Count

Year 4 was my main stitching project this week. I was able to quilt around all of the square blocks and began the hexagon quilting.

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Election Day

Even though I am not eligible to vote in Japan, I am always interested in the elections. Today is the city council election where I live. 

Whenever there is an election, the photos of the candidates are put up on boards in each neighborhood, in the order that the candidates file.

I don’t know why these two have small pictures on the board, but if I had to guess, I’d say maybe their campaigns don’t have much money/support.

There are only two women running for office in this election.

This is the candidate who had the rally in the park behind my apartment.

This guy looks like he is on fire.

In addition to these boards, the candidates and/or their supporters ride around neighborhoods in these vehicles with loud speakers.  It can be quite annoying.  Sometimes they stop to talk with people.

This was near the Kusanagi Station last week.  It was a dreary day, so there weren’t a lot of people hanging around.

This was near the Aeon shopping center and the candidate was giving a speech.

I wonder who will win.

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Coughing and Sneezing on the Train

Since the pandemic, I have been nervous about catching any kind of illness. I always wear a mask on the train or in the grocery store. If someone coughs or sneezes near me, I move somewhere else. So far, I’ve been lucky and haven’t gotten Covid, the flu, or even a cold. I’m getting older all the time and want to stay healthy. 

This poster is a good reminder for people.

Friday, March 21, 2025

Friday Finishes - Some Small Things

Christmas drawstring bag - I stitched the little mitten scene last year and made it into a drawstring bag this week.

Three coasters (about five inches square)

Little hardanger ornament

A small felt house hanging

Drawstring bag - when I was looking for something else, I came across the pieces for this that were already cut out. I spent an evening hand sewing and this is the result. If you are a long time reader of this blog, you might remember this as a Stitch Group project. (Front, back, and inside)

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Shunbun no Hi


Today is the national holiday, Spring Equinox Day or Shunbun no Hi, a day to commune with nature and to show our affection for all living things. Aren’t Japanese holidays great?

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

This Week’s Crime Story


A 37 year old unemployed woman was arrested on suspicion of trespassing on private property after she broke into a man’s apartment while he was in the bathtub, according to police in Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture.

The incident happened about 2:40 am on Sunday. The man, said to be in his 20’s, heard a noise and saw the woman when he came out of the bath. The man then called the police and told them a woman he didn’t know broke into his apartment. Police took her into custody and said they did not know how she got into the apartment. 

This is such a weird story. What was she doing in the apartment - mistake, burglary, some other reason? Why didn’t she run away when the man saw her and before the police came? Was she drunk or mentally ill? There probably won’t be a follow up story, so I’ll be left wondering.

Monday, March 17, 2025

Monday Morning Star Count - Pin Basting Year 4 of the Temperature Quilts

Last week I finished Year 3 of the Temperature Quilts. I worked over the weekend pin basting Year 4. It is slightly bigger than Year 3 and I barely had space to lay it out on the floor.

Let the handquilting begin…

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Honest People in Japan

I am always happy to read about how lost money and items are turned in to be reunited with the owners in Japan.  Tokyo Police reported a record 4.49 BILLION yen in cash was turned in as lost property in 2024. This was up 1.8% from 2023. The largest single amount of cash turned in to the police department’s lost and found in 2024 was 11.6 million yen. 

Of the money turned in, about 3.2 billion yen was returned to various owners, while about 570 million yen was given to those who turned in the money. Around 660 million yen that was unclaimed became Tokyo Metropolitan government revenue. 

In addition to money, about 4.4 million items were turned in. This is up 7.8 % from 2023 and a record high. Drivers licenses and identification documents made up the majority of items turned in, at about 830,000. The police department reported that there was a large increase in electronic items, such as wireless earphones and e-cigarettes. 

Have you ever lost something and had it returned to you? I left a hat on the bus in Hokkaido and was able to get it back the same day. My students told me various stories about losing wallets or phones or keys when drinking and getting the items back.

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Local Rally

Yesterday afternoon, I looked out my back door and saw some taiko drummers gathering. The little park behind my apartment is used for many events.  

The next time I looked out, I saw more people and the white van. Aha! It was a political rally! 

There is a local election coming up on March 23rd.  This man is a candidate for City Council, and is also one of the drummers.

I love living here!