Saturday, June 1, 2024

Komyoji Temple

This is another interesting local temple I found when out for a walk. 


Toki said...

I looked into this temple and found it to be Rinzai sect temple. Although it is different from my family’s sect, it is well maintained and wonderful.
Even though Japanese people do not follow any religion, for some reason they care about their family’s sect at ceremonial occasions.

Jeanie said...

I love that you "just found this" when you were out for a walk! That is just so cool!

Queeniepatch said...

Meticulously kept. I am always so happy to see the openness of these temples - anyone can enter the grounds and enjoy the architecture, statues, flowers, old trees and the beautifully raked gravel.

kiwikid said...

Beautiful well kept place, so nice to come across when you were out.

kiwikid said...

Beautiful well kept place, so nice to come across on your walk.

Leonore Winterer said...

It looks pretty, but very solemn. If this wasn't Japan, I'd think it was a cemetry.