Saturday, February 15, 2020

Tokyo Interational Quilt Festival 2020 - Wa Category

The Wa Category is for Japanese quilts - Japanese materials or techniques or subjects.

And the winners ---


Jeanie said...

I would have voted for the red and white! It screamed to me ร love you!"

kiwikid said...

Stunning and very clever quilts, I liked the one with the dancing beans ๐Ÿ˜

Queeniepatch said...

They are all stunning. I was surprised to see so many of these WA quilts were made up of Log Cabin blocks.

Julie said...

Pretty butterflies

Vireya said...

Much intricate and delicate work in this category. I'm sure you could spend a long time looking at each one, to see all the details.

Leonore Winterer said...

Such gorgeous work. Japanese quilters seem to be very proud of their country.