Sunday, February 9, 2020

Tokyo International Quilt Festival 2020 - Curious George

I knew of Curious George from the book series, but I found out there were also television programs starring this curious monkey.  Some creative quilters made quilts of their favorite stories and it made for a very cute exhibit.


SUWA said...

I always think Curious George looks like Taisuke. But Taisuke said, George isn't human!

kiwikid said...

Lovely quilts.

Vireya said...

I've never known of the book/s or TV show. I was thinking they must have been released after I was a child, but I see the original book was written in 1941. So I have no idea why I've never come across George! The quilts are cute, anyway.

Julie said...

Such fun... its adorable.

Leonore Winterer said...

How cute! The simple drawings translate to quilting really well.