Sunday, January 26, 2025

You Can’t Drive the Ambulance

A 46 year old man was arrested by police in Kuki, Saitama Prefecture for stealing an ambulance. 

According to police, Hiroshi Hirata called 119 on Monday evening, complaining of stomach pains. Three paramedics treated Hirata, who was drunk, and determined he did not need to go to the hospital. Hirata became angry and threatened the paramedics with a knife, then went outside and stole their ambulance. 

Police found Hirata and the ambulance in a drugstore parking lot about 100 meters away. Of course, they arrested him on the spot. Police quoted Hirata as saying, “I thought I would go to the hospital on my own”.

I think it’s always a bad idea to steal an ambulance, but especially when drunk.


kiwikid said...

Amazing what people do when drunk!

Queeniepatch said...

Doesn't this prove that under the influence of alcohol (or drugs), people are likely to do a lot of stupid things!
Never drink more than you can hold!

Jeanie said...

I love the quote "Always a bad idea to steal an ambulance, but especially when drunk!"

Leonore Winterer said...

It's terrible of course, but also somehow hilarious!

Toki said...

It's the worst.😱