Sefa-utaki is said to be the most sacred place in Okinawa. It is located on the Chinen Peninsula and according to Ryukyu history is the place where the goddess of creation, Amamikyu, made landfall on Okinawa. It is a part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Gusuku Sites and Related Properties of the Kingdom of Ryukyu in Okinawa.
The entrance fee is 300 yen and you have to buy the ticket from a vending machine at the parking area before you get to the site. The signage was in English as well as Japanese.
How interesting! That huge triangle-shaped rock lean on is impressive; is that really a natural formation? I think the text says it, but it sure doesn't look like it!
Thank you for sharing Pamela, a very interesting place, the rock formations are amazing.
Hi Pamela wow what an amazing place ,such interesting rock formations,thankyou for sharing your lovely pics with us my friend xx
We humans look so small among the gigantic rocks.
How interesting! That huge triangle-shaped rock lean on is impressive; is that really a natural formation? I think the text says it, but it sure doesn't look like it!
Another beautiful and interesting place.
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