Monday, November 6, 2023

Monday Morning Star Count - 112 and Bedcover Preview


I made six more this week and the current total is 112.

I put them randomly on the floor to see how big 112 is.  Not big enough! I will be making more, not sure about how many.  My current plan is to make a lightweight summer bedcover - like a quilt but no batting in the middle.


Lyn Warner said...

Your quilt is going to be beautiful!

Queeniepatch said...

You will be sleeping on a flowering field!

diamondc said...

Hi Pamela: These are amazing, love the combination of colors and prints of the fabric.


Toki said...

I don't think we need another 100. But you may need 50 to 30 pieces.
But you can quickly make as many hexagonal flowers as you need.

Leonore Winterer said...

It's hard to imagine that this is still not enough - so many flowers!