Saturday, July 13, 2024

Komakado Kazaana Cave

The Komakado Kazaana Cave is a natural monument of Japan and, according to the brochure is "the Largest Lava Tube Near Mt. Fuji". The lava tube was formed when Mt. Fuji erupted about 10,000 years ago. It is the oldest unadulterated lava tube in Japan.  The cave was designated a Natural Monument in March 1922 and is managed by volunteers from a local preservation group. The entry fee is 300 yen.

There are three small shrines at the entrance.

There are some electric lights, but you still have to watch where you are walking.  It is a little slick. Water drips from the ceiling, so wearing a raincoat is a good idea.

The cave continues, but visitors aren't allowed to go any further.

The exit, looking out.

Out into the sunshine again.


Queeniepatch said...

This is a cool place to visit in the summer. Did you see any of the bats they are warning about?

Jeanie said...

What an interesting trip!

Leonore Winterer said...

Oh, what a great monument. I love caves!

Toki said...

It's mysterious and wonderful. It must have been cool.