Monday Morning Star Count - Temperature Hexie Quilt
I've seen various examples of temperature afghans or quilts on other blogs in the last year or so. Last week Sarah from Sarah Did It! wrote about starting a temperature Hexie Quilt. (You can check out the link to her blog to see her introduction to the project. )
Even though I have a million other things to work on, I decided I would give this a go. Each day's high temperature will be represented by one hexagon. Seven hexagons in a flower shape will be one week, with Sunday as the center, Monday at the top and continuing around counter-clockwise. I will applique each hexagon flower to a background fabric block and join the 52 weeks plus an extra in each corner to make the 56 block quilt.
This is my temperature/color (Farenheit) scheme:
100 + Brown
90-99 Red
80-89 Orange
70-79 Yellow
60-69 Green
50-59 Blue
40-49 Purple
30-39 Pink
20-29 White
10-19 Black
I will be using fabric from my stash, so this will be a scrappy type color quilt - any fabric with those colors will be acceptable.
I thought checking the temperature each day might be difficult, so I've decided to check the almanac feature on for my town, rather than try to figure out the temperature myself each day. I wasn't sure on what day to start the quilt, but since I was using the almanac, I decided to start with the month of May (actually April 30th, since I am doing Sunday - Saturday for my week).
Your hexagons are beautifully done and that's a great way to get a classic scrappy look.
Hi Pamela love your hexies,this looks like a lot of fun xx
Wow Pamela, what a really creative & interesting project this will be!
I've never heard of such a color selection for a quilt, but it is a great idea! I understand you weren't able to resist starting a new project!
That is a very interesting way to make a hexie quilt, great colours you have used.
Wow, what a wonderful idea.
I like your little flowers.
These look so absolutely perfect! Looking forward to seeing more!!!
What an interesting idea - looking forward to seeing more. xx
Sounds very interesting, Pamela.
What a fun project! I had seen the shawls and afghans before, but never a quilt.
Love this hexie temperature idea, sounds great fun.
I absolutely LOVE this idea. You definitely have me thinking!
It appears you've been a tad warmer than here in Western NY/USA. Sew glad to have you join in my temperature quilt project!!
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