Thursday, July 18, 2024

Handle Your Luggage With Others in Mind

 I really enjoy these train manner reminders  


Queeniepatch said...

I love them too, but this one is a bit confusing. Is it good manners to put a suitcase on the shelf?
1) Yes, it saves space on the floor, preventing people from tripping over it.
2) No, it might fall down and injure someone, especially if it is a hard-shell suitcase.

diamondc said...

Pamela: I wish the USA had manners like this.


kiwikid said...

Great sign, we could do with them here too.

Leonore Winterer said...

I love these little friendly reminders. Here, the shelves over the seas are always slanted slightly inwards to keep suitcases from sliding off, so I think it's good manners to use them.

Jeanie said...

They are so clever!

Toki said...

Are there no advertisements like this overseas?