Monday, January 27, 2025

Monday Morning Star Count

I moved my chair to make enough floor space, then taped the quilt backing to the floor. After layering the backing, the batting, and year three of the temperature quilts, I started pinning. The batting is Warm & Natural cotton batting.

When I finish pinning, I will start the hand quilting. This will be much less intensely quilted than the hexagon bedspread I recently finished.

Yesterday morning I felt my room moving a little and thought it might be an earthquake.  I checked the JMA website, and there was a small earthquake where I live.


Queeniepatch said...

The tremor was so small we did not feel anything in Tokyo. Remember always to stay safe when you feel the earth move under your feet.
Having enough floor space is essential for basting a large quilt. It is lucky you do not have a lot of furniture to move out of the way.
There IS a smart way to sandwich and baste a quilt using a pair of wooden bars.
I learned it from Tanya and it really works well.

Leonore Winterer said...

Quilts this size must be really challenging to make in a small apartment, but you are very clever in finding solutions!

Toki said...

You can do it because you always clean to make your room comfortable.
Japan is a country with a lot of earthquakes. I can only hope that there will be no major earthquakes.😣