Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Japan’s Ten Year Cancer Survival Rate

Last week the National Cancer Center in Japan announced the 10 year survival rate of people diagnosed with cancer is 54.0%, up slightly from the previous year’s survey with a survival rate of 53.5%. As a two time cancer survivor, I think this is good news. (I was diagnosed with cancer in 2014 and 2016).

The latest survey covered 394,108 people diagnosed with cancer across Japan, excluding those who died of other causes. The average age of those surveyed was 67.7 years.

The most common cancer in Japan is stomach cancer, which now has a 57.9% survival rate. The second and third most common types, bowel cancer and non-small cell lung cancer, have survival rates of 58.1% and 32.6%.


Jeanie said...

Those stats are very interesting.

Queeniepatch said...

Did they give a reason for the increase? (more information, improved examinations, more efficient drugs...)