Thursday, February 6, 2025

Throwback Thursday

Sometimes I think back on things I've done or made in the past. Today I will write about the things I posted in years past on February 6th. (You can read the post by clicking on the year link).

2024  Last year I wrote about the 26 year old Ukranian born Japanese woman who was crowned Miss Japan. There was some controversy about whether she was really "Japanese". (A few days later she gave up her crown, but that was another post.)

2023 This was a Monday, and I wrote about a new hexagon project. These later became a chair cushion.

2022 This post was about some things I saw on my visit to Tottori Prefecture.

2021 This was a People's Choice link up post, with the topic "Birds I have stitched".

2020 I posted about the framed quilts I saw at the 2020 Tokyo International Quilt Festival. (This was the last Tokyo International Quilt Festival event, just before the pandemic hit).

2019  This was a "Finish It in 2019" post.  Seems a familiar theme.  I am always working to finish what I start.

2018 I attended the piano recital of my friend's daughter.

2017  Nadine sent me a wonderful gift from Belgium. (She last posted to her blog in 2020, but you can still check out previous posts).

2016  This post was a link up post to the Alphabet Club and was the letter G that month.  My word was Gakubuchi, meaning picture frame.  I posted some of my stitched pieces that are framed.

2015 This was a post about Setsubun.

2014 I posted about a Japanese Art Exhibit at North Carolina State University.

2013 On this date, I posted about a Work In Progress, that was almost finished.

2012 Finally, this was an after vacation post about the top five favorite places of the trip.

My time living in Japan has been so wonderful.  I'm glad I document what I do - big and small, on this blog. It's good to look back and remember from time to time.


diamondc said...

Hello Pamela: This was a fun post, seeing the throwback posts was enjoyable to read and see.


Queeniepatch said...

It's nice for us readers, too, to reread your blog posts.

Leonore Winterer said...

I love these throw back posts! Do I spy my fob in that pile from 2019?

Astrids dragon said...

It's nice to look back and see what you've accomplished or done!