Saturday, March 22, 2025

Coughing and Sneezing on the Train

Since the pandemic, I have been nervous about catching any kind of illness. I always wear a mask on the train or in the grocery store. If someone coughs or sneezes near me, I move somewhere else. So far, I’ve been lucky and haven’t gotten Covid, the flu, or even a cold. I’m getting older all the time and want to stay healthy. 

This poster is a good reminder for people.


Jeanie said...

I understand that. Unfortunately, I'm one of the ones who coughs, and I'm not contagious. (When I am sick I stay in or mask.)

Queeniepatch said...

It is good that you are careful and take precautions. Others around us should do the same. However, not all coughs are caused by viruses and are contagious.

kiwikid said...

Good idea, I try to do the same but have had covid twice - poster is a great reminder to people.