Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Stitch Group Saturday

We met on Saturday and started a new project. (I started mine before but hadn’t worked on it much.) 

Show and Tell

This is my chair.  I always get the panda seat.

We all chose the same Hawaiian pattern. Three stitchers want to make cushions, one a wall hanging, and mine will be a little table covering. Everyone had to iron the fabric, cut the paper pattern, cut the fabric design and baste it to the backing fabrics.

There was a lot of ironing.

Tea time

Many people here wouldn’t recognize the words Hawaiian Quilting, but if you mention Kathy Nakajima, they know. She and her son have programs on television and she has books and quilt kits. Her beautiful quilts are featured at every quilt show. Our projects are not as large or as bright as Ms. Nakajima’s, but they will be beautiful.


Astrids dragon said...

It's always nice to see you get together with your crafty friends! It will be nice to see how you all finish it.
And tea time looks delicious!

kiwikid said...

Love the Hawaiian quilting - looking forward to seeing the results.

Queeniepatch said...

Hawaiian quilting is relaxing and suitable for all the plans you have for it - cushions, wall hangings and table cloths.
I have never tried it, but I thinkHawaiian quilting would look wonderful with a lot of embroidery on top...
Personally I find HQ can be a bit boring if it is the only project. I need to have something else to vary it with.

The hostess and the other members are so thoughtful to provide you with a panda seat and lots of sweets for tea time.

diamondc said...

Lovely quilt Pamela: It looks like the Hawaiian pattern is lovely,
That looks like the cutting is intricate for the design.
You always show such yummy foods.
