Sunday, March 23, 2025

Election Day

Even though I am not eligible to vote in Japan, I am always interested in the elections. Today is the city council election where I live. 

Whenever there is an election, the photos of the candidates are put up on boards in each neighborhood, in the order that the candidates file.

I don’t know why these two have small pictures on the board, but if I had to guess, I’d say maybe their campaigns don’t have much money/support.

There are only two women running for office in this election.

This is the candidate who had the rally in the park behind my apartment.

This guy looks like he is on fire.

In addition to these boards, the candidates and/or their supporters ride around neighborhoods in these vehicles with loud speakers.  It can be quite annoying.  Sometimes they stop to talk with people.

This was near the Kusanagi Station last week.  It was a dreary day, so there weren’t a lot of people hanging around.

This was near the Aeon shopping center and the candidate was giving a speech.

I wonder who will win.


Queeniepatch said...

In recent years, there have been so many incidents of 'fake candidates', people who have no intention of winning, coming from outside the district and mainly want to stir up some trouble.
It is hard to know whom to vote for, so maybe it is good that I am not eligible to vote!
I agree with you that the campaign methods are interesting, though. In Sweden, there would be much more debate and Q&A with the voters, both at the venues and in the street. Here in Japan, it is mainly a speech and then a lot of greetings.
May the best man or woman win!

kiwikid said...

The small photos are interesting.

diamondc said...

Hello Pamela: I love politics, do not talk much about my feelings but still love and follow what is going on, I think that maybe the small designs on the boards are a great way to have people really think about the candidate, maybe a way for them to really get the image stuck in their head about the candidate, or not maybe not enough money was spent on the image for the board.
