Friday, March 21, 2025

Friday Finishes - Some Small Things

Christmas drawstring bag - I stitched the little mitten scene last year and made it into a drawstring bag this week.

Three coasters (about five inches square)

Little hardanger ornament

A small felt house hanging

Drawstring bag - when I was looking for something else, I came across the pieces for this that were already cut out. I spent an evening hand sewing and this is the result. If you are a long time reader of this blog, you might remember this as a Stitch Group project. (Front, back, and inside)


Queeniepatch said...

They may be small, but you finished five projects this week. That's a great job.
Yes, I remember the draw string bag you and your stitch group made. Did you use plastic cups covered with fabric for the end of the string?

Jeanie said...

You are incredibly productive. Love both the drawstring bags! How handy, practical and cute!