Tone Mobile is the newest "kakiyasu smartphone", smartphone for people on a budget.  The Tone e20 is priced at 19,800 yen and has a 6.26 inch display, 64 gigs of storage, and a triple lens camera.  It also comes with "smartphone protection".  That's not to protect the phone from damage, but a way to protect the user.  An AI system works with the camera. After a photo is taken, the smartphone protection analyzes the picture to check if it is "inappropriate". It won't allow you to take naked selfies. If you try to, the camera will give you an error message that the image will be discarded without being saved.

▼ The error screen, with text saying “Photo not taken due to inappropriate content.”

Tone Mobile created this protection in order to protect children and teens who may be tricked or threatened into sending naked selfies, although it also protects adults from making silly mistakes too.  

What do you think about this? Would you want this "Protection" on your phone or your child's phone?