Thursday, May 23, 2024

Numazu Flood Gate Observation Deck

My friend, who is an English instructor at a nearby university, invited me to observe her presentation class students give presentations on their home towns. I was impressed by their English skills and learned about other places in Japan. 

After the class ended, we went to Numazu Port.  First we went to the Numazu Port Flood Gate Observation Deck.  I had read about this place and wanted to visit, so I was glad she suggested it. 

The cost is only 100 yen for adults and you can go up one side and down the other (by elevator), go out and reenter with the same ticket.

The view from the top is very nice and you can see in all directions.

This is the floor of the observation deck.

After visiting the flood gate observation deck, we ate fresh fish at a Numazu port restaurant. We both ordered the same thing - raw tuna rice bowl, with miso soup.

It was a great afternoon!


Queeniepatch said...

It looks impressive. How hight a tsunami can the flood gate withstand?
You are lucky to find fresh fish on your doorstep.

Toki said...

Looks like you had a great time. If had been there, I would have chosen the same raw tuna bowl as you for lunch.🐟

Leonore Winterer said...

I#m glad they turned a neccessity like the flood gate into such a great place to visit too!