Sunday, May 12, 2024

Manzo-ji Temple

This is a temple I happened on when I was out walking. As always, I had to stop for a look around. I didn't see anyone else around and it was very quiet.


diamondc said...

Pamela: The structures and the
surrounding grounds are lovely.


Queeniepatch said...

It's a beautifully kept place with the gravel raked into nice lines. The view is great, too!

Jeanie said...

I love how they are all a little different and have their own personality.

Toki said...

I feel quite far from your home. But I'm surprised because it's just a normal walk for you.😵
This temple is not a tourist spot, but a temple rooted in the local community, and is supposed to be in charge of managing the graves. It's a very beautiful and well-maintained temple.

Leonore Winterer said...

What a great discovery, it looks very clean and orderly.