Sunday, May 19, 2024

Mishima Taisha Shrine

The last time I visited this shrine was during the New Year Holiday and it was very crowded. When I visited this week there were still quite a few people there, but no where near what it was during the holiday time.


Queeniepatch said...

It looks calm and very green. I bet there were fewer leaves on the trees at New Year.

Jeanie said...

Another lovely and peaceful spot. I like the pic of the couple taking a selfie.

kiwikid said...

Beautiful place to visit, I would imagine it would be much calmer without the crowds.

Toki said...

Speaking of Mishima, it is Mishima Taisha shrine.
It is a wonderful shrine with a long history, so it is visited by many tourists.

Leonore Winterer said...

What a pretty shrine, no wonder people like to go there!