Monday, September 30, 2024

Sawara, Chiba - Part 2

Continuing with the Sawara trip - I had lunch at a place called Brewery and Cheese.  Great place!  The lunch set included a beer, a salad, and a pizza.

After lunch was the Inoh Tadaka Museum.  It was a nice museum, but photos were not allowed inside.  I did get a brochure in English. I think it is amazing that he started his map making travels of Japan after he retired!

The former Sawara branch of Mitsubishi Bank, built in 1914, is now closed as a bank, but open for visitors. It is a two story western style brick building with an atrium ceiling.

Attached to the bank is a Tourist Information Center, with friendly people who speak English, plus there are many interesting displays. I love the miniatures!

This is the end of Sawara part 2, but not even the end of Day 1.  Stay tuned for Sawara part 3!

1 comment:

diamondc said...

Hello Pamela: Wow what a place, the photos of so many interesting items in the bank are amazing, I have a few dolls in glass cases Mike gave to me for a wedding gift, I love them. The art work is amazing.
The pizza looks yummy as does the salad.
