Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Prefectural Art Museum Sculpture Garden

A few days ago, I walked to the Prefectural Art Museum to see the outdoor sculpture garden. It was a beautiful breezy autumn day.

The information board has a braille section in the lower right corner.

There is a toilet building, with flush toilets in the sculpture garden.

Beautiful trees, especially for the end of December!

This is the museum. The last time I visited was in the summer, when it was hot.

This was my view of Mt. Fuji, as I was walking home. It was a great day to be out and about.


Queeniepatch said...

Some sculptures and their names/titles are difficult to 'get', but the flaming trees, elegant camelias, the unexpected UK phone box and the ever-gorgeous Mt Fuji, strong sunshine must have made the day one to remember.

diamondc said...

Lovely photos Pamela: Love the phone booth, that is something that is in the past here in Minnesota.


Leonore Winterer said...

These sculptures are very interesting, but I do believe the autumn foliage was stealing the spotlight that day!