Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Work In Progress Wednesday

Rapunzel progress

Japanese Pattern 23

Drawn Thread progress - I worked on this just a small bit this week, where the scissors are pointing.


Lyn Warner said...

I'd love to see your blackwork in person. The variety of stitches is so interesting.

Queeniepatch said...

I was happy to see the Blackwork sky pattern - in Sweden we use this shape to make special saffron-flavoured buns for St Lucia Day (13th Dec) and that pattern is called Gullvagn = Golden Carriage. Here is a picture:
At the top and bottom of your PA97 Drawn Thread piece you have used two other bun patterns - shaped like a ?-mark it is called Julgalt = Christmas Pig, but if it is S-shaped we call it Julkatt = Christmas Cat.
I love it when I can see bread shapes in the embroidery patterns!

Toki said...

Rapunzel is so nice.
I became interested in black work. Looks like you could became the queen of pulled strings.

Leonore Winterer said...

The Rapunzel is making great progress! I'm looking forward to seeing how you'll do the stone work.