Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Little Toolie Tour (Part 4)

The remaining little toolies are fun and helpful and not made by me.

This magnetic needleminder was a gift from my friend Rhoda. It has my initial so I know which canvas is mine.

My friend Rose just sent me this little crystal lady bug needleminder. It looks like it can't wait to fly to my next canvas project.

A woman on the Heritage Needlework Tour made these magnetic needleminders for all of the participants from state quarters.  I was living in NC at the time so my quarter is the one featuring North Carolina.

This set of three measuring squares was a table favor at a Carolina Sampler Guild event.

This mini sewing kit was another table favor from a Carolina Sampler Guild event.

My friend Kathryn made me this set of counters inside what looks like a matchbook. It is very handy to have the matchbook to keep them from getting lost.

This was a gift from the Georgia EGA chapter at Calloway School of Needlearts.

My friend Kaz gave me this Lego head lamp.  The lights are in the feet and can be pointed where ever you need more light.

Ted gave me this little ort eating neko-chan.  She keeps things neat and tidy.

Thank you for taking this tour of my toolies.

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