According to NikkeiAsia, the new husband/formerly the longtime boyfriend/fiance of the former Japanese princess, now commoner Mako (niece of the Emperor), has failed the New York bar exam. The bar exam is the two day long test one takes after graduating from law school in order to become a licensed attorney.
This couple just can't get a break it seems. In case you are new to this story, Princess Mako and Kei Komuro announced their engagement in September 2017, with plans to marry in the autumn of 2018, having met and fallen in love while at university. The wedding plans were put on hold after it was discovered that the groom-to-be's mother's former fiance claimed that the groom-to-be's mother owed him money. (This is Mr. Komuro's mother, not Mr. Komuro possibly owing the money). The mother claimed it was a gift, her former fiance said it was a loan. Anyway, three years ago, Mr. Komuro went to the US to enroll in the law school at Fordham University; the Princess stayed in Japan.
Fast forward to 2021. (The gift or loan money is still in dispute.) Mr. Komuro graduated from law school in May and sat for the July bar exam. Mr. Komuro came back to Japan. The couple announced they will be married, without the imperial ceremonies and all. The former princess denounced the usual money gift given to princesses when they marry and become commoners. They were married on October 26th by registering at the city hall, then held a short press conference, and moved to an apartment in Tokyo together to get ready to move to the US.
Now, it is announced Mr. Komuro's name is not on the pass list released by the exam organizer. Of the 9227 who took the New York state bar exam, 5791 passed the exam. The bar exam is given twice a year and he must register by November 30th if he plans to take the February exam. My heart goes out to them.
My own bar exams story. After graduating from law school many years ago, I sat for the July Illinois exam, then started a legal job, with the contingency that I pass the bar exam. If I hadn't passed, I would have been unemployed. Fortunately I passed, but waiting to find out was difficult. The exam is in July and the results come out in October. The next year, I took the Indiana bar exam. I studied for it while being employed full time and didn't know if I had studied enough. (Different state - different laws - different test). The day the Indiana results came in the mail, I had already planned to meet with friends in the evening. I didn't know if I should open the envelope before meeting my friends or not. I had heard if the envelope was thin, it meant pass. If the envelope was thick, it meant fail, because information about registering for the next exam was included. I couldn't tell if my envelope was thin or thick. I was afraid if I opened it and failed, I would have a miserable evening. If I didn't open it, I would be thinking about it all evening. I decided to open it, I passed, and had reason to celebrate that evening. Hearing about Mr. Komuro brought back those memories and feelings.
I do hope he passes the next time. (Or maybe it was a mistake and he really did pass but his name wasn't on the list.)
The wait between exams and results sounds very stressful!
Poor Mr Komuro - if he has failed he would probably prefer to not have that news publicised. It would only add to the stress to know that your results would be discussed in the media.
This poor Man I hope he pass's the next exam, i have friends who it took two times to pass exams. I think he should try another state for exams. Gods Blessings on their marriage.
America takes ber exams state by state. I learned about this on TV news when the marriage of the two was confused. I think their feelings are aleady heading for February.
You have passed the ber exam in two states. I think studying while working was very difficult. i'm glad the envelope was thin. By the way, did you do embroidey or quilting at that time?
I didn't know you are a attorney, but even if it's been a while ago, I'm proud of you for passing not just one, but two bar exams! I hope Mr. Komuro can pass his next one, if he really didn't this time. It must be so hard to wait for your result for months!
That poor couple has been attacked too much and didn't need more negative publicity. I hope when they are out of the country, they can have a more normal life.
The wait between exams and results sounds very stressful!
Poor Mr Komuro - if he has failed he would probably prefer to not have that news publicised. It would only add to the stress to know that your results would be discussed in the media.
This poor Man I hope he pass's the next exam, i have friends who it took two times to pass exams.
I think he should try another state for exams.
Gods Blessings on their marriage.
America takes ber exams state by state. I learned about this on TV news when the marriage of the two was confused.
I think their feelings are aleady heading for February.
You have passed the ber exam in two states. I think studying while working was very difficult. i'm glad the envelope was thin.
By the way, did you do embroidey or quilting at that time?
I didn't know you are a attorney, but even if it's been a while ago, I'm proud of you for passing not just one, but two bar exams! I hope Mr. Komuro can pass his next one, if he really didn't this time. It must be so hard to wait for your result for months!
That poor couple has been attacked too much and didn't need more negative publicity. I hope when they are out of the country, they can have a more normal life.
I really feel sorry for this couple. Let's hope their luck will turn for the better soon.
The above“Unknown”is my comment.
My next door neighbor is studying for the bar (February). I'm hoping he makes it! I also hope he doesn't move anywhere because he's the sweetest kid!
You're right -- those two can't get a break.
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