Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Elderly Crime at the Nursing Home

This is another strange crime story from Japan.  Strange and sad. 

A 77 year old man in Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture was arrested on suspicion of assault for hitting his 80 year old wife with a cane in the nursing home where they both lived. 

According to the police, the incident happened about 4:30 pm last Monday. It was reported the man hit his wife in the face with his cane after accusing her of letting another male nursing home resident come into her room. The wife of the suspect suffered minor injuries to her face and told police no other man had entered her room. The police detained the man for questioning and quoted him as saying, "I guess I must have hit my wife if I'm at the police station." 

I have to wonder if this violence toward his wife is an isolated incident or if this is what their life was like even before coming to the nursing home to live. How very sad.


Anonymous said...

I’d suspect delirium or dementia. Sometimes the nursing home staff giives the meds very early or very late, and it can cause psychosis

Queeniepatch said...

I have seen a real gentleman and kind and curious husband turn into a tyrant at the onset of dementia.
The apple tree in the garden cast a shadow on the curtain in the bedroom, and he was convinced it was another man looking in on his wife.
He got violent when he found the mobile phone his wife had got for emergencies - was she planning to leave him, what man was she talking to...
He started following his wife around the rooms, even into the bathroom. He shouted and accused her of infidelity, was she putting poison in his food to get rid of him...
I put it down to fear of being left alone or being replaced by a new man.
Luckily, he never took to violence and the police never got involved.

kiwikid said...

Very sad to read.

Jeanie said...

This is so sad indeed.

Leonore Winterer said...

That's really sad. I hope this is a recent development and not something she's had to deal with for many years.