Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Jogasaki Hike and Hashidate Suspension Bridge

After visiting Tokaikan and Kinoshita Mokutaro Museum on Saturday, my friend and I went to my friend's sister's home, where we were joined by their sister-in-law and nephew.  We had a wonderful dinner and got a good night's sleep. 


In the morning, we ate breakfast and headed out for a new adventure - a hike along the coast, including the suspension bridge.

It was a beautiful day and we had gorgeous views.

We went off trail and headed down to the sea.

We scrambled around on the rocks and saw some fishermen.

We went back to the trail and on to the suspension bridge.

From the bridge, we had views of some rock climbers below and the sea.

Onward and upward.

When we came out of the woods, we continued on to the port.

After the port, we went to a wonderful place for lunch.  More about that soon!


Vireya said...

It is always good to be able to explore a new place! This looks like a wonderful trip with friends.

Toki said...

Jogasaki is rich in nature and wonderful.
The hospitality of your friend’s family is amazing.
All the dishes look delicious.😋

Jeanie said...

Now THAT is a breakfast that will set you out and take care of you for much of the day! And what a glorious and adventurous day you had. The scenery is simply stunning and it looks like you made the most of it. Your friend's sister sounds like a wonderful host, too! (So glad you made it to the sea!)

Queeniepatch said...

That was a good and long walk!

Leonore Winterer said...

What a wonderful hike and great view! I can almost smell the sea from your pictures.