Sunday, September 22, 2024

Yoyogi-Hachimangu Shrine, Yoyogi Park, and the See Through Toilet

After leaving Meiji Jingu Shrine, I walked to Yoyogi-Hachimangu Shrine. The shrine was founded in 1212, and dedicated to Hachiman, a deification of the Emperor Ojin (201-312) and the guardian god of warriors. Yoyogi Hachiman Shrine is known for its ability to bestow blessings for career success, promotion, and prosperity.

Then, I walked around Yoyogi Park, which has areas for everything - walking, running, bicycles, dogs, children, etc.

Across the street from Yoyogi Park, is the Tokyo see through toilet. The architect is Shigeru Ban.

The walls really do turn opaque when someone is inside and locks the door.  You can see my reflection on the door on the right after someone entered.  


Queeniepatch said...

It must have been nice to go to Yoyogi Hachiman Shrine where there is plenty of shade on a hot and sunny day.
Believe it or not, but I have never been to Yoyogi Park!
Those toilets are world-famous and a tourist spot!

Jeanie said...

Don't know how I feel about the see-thru toilet! But when you've gotta go, you've gotta go.

diamondc said...

I so wish I lived in Japan to enjoy the beauties of so many interesting places to visit.
