Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Work In Progress Wednesday

Rapunzel progress

Japanese Pattern 23

Drawn Thread progress - I worked on this just a small bit this week, where the scissors are pointing.


Lyn Warner said...

I'd love to see your blackwork in person. The variety of stitches is so interesting.

Queeniepatch said...

I was happy to see the Blackwork sky pattern - in Sweden we use this shape to make special saffron-flavoured buns for St Lucia Day (13th Dec) and that pattern is called Gullvagn = Golden Carriage. Here is a picture:
At the top and bottom of your PA97 Drawn Thread piece you have used two other bun patterns - shaped like a ?-mark it is called Julgalt = Christmas Pig, but if it is S-shaped we call it Julkatt = Christmas Cat.
I love it when I can see bread shapes in the embroidery patterns!