When I visited the Air Park Museum in February, I learned about the Blue Impulse. When I found out they would be flying (performing?), I knew I wanted to see them. My friend and I took the train and a bus to get to the venue. After the event, I heard there were 130,000 people in attendance! There were hangars with various exhibits and even a brass band to see and listen to before the Blue Impulse show.
This is a bounce house in the picnic area. We bought Fujinomia yakisoba for lunch and sat on the ground and ate.
The weather was perfect! We saw three parachuters (parachutists?)
We were able to tour this large plane.
The Blue Impulse show was amazing!
It was exciting and scary! If you ever have a chance to see the Blue Impulse, be sure to see them.
Hi Pamela wow they look amazing ,love the patterns they make in the sky,so glad you got the chance to see them and boy that sure was a lot of people that attended.
Wonderful photos, thank you for sharing! They are very clever pilots. They would be like the Red Arrows in the UK, they are amazing to watch. That was a huge crowd at this event!
Stunning manoeuvres you have captured on the your camera. What a treat to see those in action.
Hi Pamela wow they look amazing ,love the patterns they make in the sky,so glad you got the chance to see them and boy that sure was a lot of people that attended.
Wonderful photos, thank you for sharing! They are very clever pilots. They would be like the Red Arrows in the UK, they are amazing to watch. That was a huge crowd at this event!
You had perfect weather for an amazing air show!
I saw them once and am now a fan, too!
What an Airshow! The pilots, obviously highly skilled, put on a good show.
The weather cooperated too.
Thanks for sharing.
There were a lot of airshows in my childhood, as my father was in the Air Force. But it is a long time since I went to one!
Oh, interesting! I guess I never thought about it before, but maybe all countries with an Air Force have something similar to the Blue Angels.
Great photos, always love airshows
How exciting! I never saw anything like this in real life, only in movies.
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