Before I get to my stitching report - My gadgets have recently done an automatic update and I find I can not comment on most blogs any more. There are a few that still show my name, but most have an empty box and "Google Account", that I can't change. I don't know what the difference is between the few I can still comment and those that I can't. Does anyone know how I can change this and be able to comment again? Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
This year I will finish what I start, and finish some other things too.
Since my last Finish It post, I have finished
Started 2019, Finished 2019 |
New Starts - 2019
Maybe not so good. Here we are so close to the end of the year and I have so many new projects unfinished!
You can see all of my Finish It In 2019 here.
I like the diagonal one with the women and fashion. It should look fabulous when done.
I can't help with the commenting issue. I haven't come across that problem and hope I don't!
All your projects are looking good. I hope you can get a few done by the end of the year, but getting them all done seems like it could be a bit difficult.
An impressive body of work, Pamela. I've seen that happen when I've gone to comment on blogs but if I wait a second or two (or longer) often the regular comment box will open up.
Can't help either with the comments issue I am sorry. Your projects look fantastic Pamela.
Beautiful work Pamela ,fingers crossed the computer issues work out soon xx
I don't think that comment thing is an issue you can do anything against. It's up to the owner of the blog whether they allow comments by everyone, or just by users with google accounts. There might have been some changes in the software because I vaguely remember there being more options...on my blog, I'm allowing everyone to comment (which is why I activated comment moderation). So you should be able to leave comments, please let me know if you don't!
You do have lots of new starts, but I'm sure you can finish off a few more before the year is out! That's what I keep telling myself as well, haha. And besides, you did get a lot done as well :)
Lovely stitching, Pamela.
I had problems commenting some time ago and changed from using Safari to Chrome and that seemed to do the trick for me.
Hope you find a way to comment again.
Barbara xx
You have done lots of great stitching this year.
Regarding the comments...I had that issue when I installed Badger as a Chrome extension. It's a program that blocks ads. There were a lot of blogs that would not allow me to comment until I realized that I had to disable Badger on every blog I visited. The only other thing I can think of is to check to see if you are logged into your Blogger account when you comment.
xx, Carol
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