Friday, April 30, 2021

Friday Finish - Pencil Roll

I found the tutorial for this pencil roll on Elm Street Quilts. I made it as a gift, so there aren't any pencils in it yet, but it will hold ten.


diamondc said...

Pamela: This is a sweet pencil roll.


kiwikid said...

Great sewing that will be very useful.

Queeniepatch said...

This is useful, notably for pencils, but for cutlery, too. Especially silver, so the knives, forks and spoons won't tarnish or get scratch marks in a drawer.

Jeanie said...

that's cute! It would be good for paint brushes, too! Happy weekend!

jacaranda said...

Fabulous. I made a pencil roll for my Inktense pencil set, found it easier than the metal tin as the lid kept slipping off.

Leonore Winterer said...

That's a very nice gift, and the fabric is cute too.