Tuesday, December 20, 2022

The Stitch Group Celebrates My Birthday

My stitch group friends are so good to me. They understand how I love my birthday and always celebrate big.  

First, We worked on strawberries and raspberries for our stumpwork projects.

One of our members joined the group after the crazy quilt stitch kit project. She is working on her own at home between get togethers and is doing a wonderful job!

My Birthday is a pizza party, with the pizza cooked in the wood stove.

And, can you believe it, Carrot Cake!

I am thankful every day for my wonderful friends. They make me feel very special.


Vireya said...

Fantastic! It is great that you have people to celebrate with you.

diamondc said...

Happy Birthday Pamela: What a wonderful group of friends you have, carrot cake sounds so yummy.
Love the strawberries, I may need to try this stumpwork style of stitching.


Queeniepatch said...

I am sure your friends are thankful every day for having you as a friend and teacher.
May you have many more pizza and carrot cake parties.

Linda Schiffer said...


I rarely comment but I enjoy reading all your posts. :)


Lin said...

A lovely celebration. xx

Toki said...

Good to see you and your stitch group together again. I love crazy quilts.

Nice birthday party for you. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Cynthia@wabi-sabi-quilts said...

How fun to have a birthday party with friends and you have very thoughtful friends!

Leonore Winterer said...

How nice of your friends to celebrate with you! Looks like you had a great time together.