Sunday, April 28, 2024

Golden Week Ahead

Golden week is made up of four national holidays within seven days and is one of the three busy vacation and travel times of the Japanese year. (The other two are New Year's and Obon.) I read that the name "Golden" is related to the old Japanese radio slang "golden time", referring to the period with the highest listener ratings. I don't know if that is true, but Golden Week is the time of the busiest and most crowded travel times.

April 29th is Showa Day, the day that honors the birthday of the late Emperor Hirohito, who was the Japanese emperor during the Showa era. 

Constitution Memorial Day is May 3rd and celebrates the day the Constitution of Japan was enacted on May 3, 1947. 

May 4th is Greenery Day, which is a day to appreciate nature. 

Finally, May 5th is Children's Day, the day to celebrate and honor children's health and happiness. This year, the holiday will be observed May 6th, because the 5th falls on a Sunday.

I don't have any big travel plans for the week ahead, but I would like to attend some local festivals, depending on the weather. It probably doesn't need to be said that I will be spending time stitching.  

If you had a week to do anything you wanted, what would you do or where would you go?


Toki said...

If possible, I would like to enjoy embroidery and reading in a quiet place near the water. I would like to take a walk there everyday, looking forward to the sunrise in the morning and the sunset in the evening.
Where and how do you want to spend your time?

Jeanie said...

I'll look forward to hear about the festivals. Where I'd go for a week depends completely on the resources I'd have to get there1

Leonore Winterer said...

I just had two weeks of work and the weather was abyssmal, cold and wet, so I did almost nothing except for staying home and getting a lot of crafting done! Now I'm back to work for the first day and the sun outside feels like it's mocking me, haha.
We do, haveever, have a number of holidays coming up in May as well: May 1st, 9th, 20th and 31st are public holidays where I live, so for the entirety of May, there is only one full work week. That's almost as good as a Golden Week, I think!