Thursday, April 18, 2019

92 Year Old English Learner

I recently read a heart-warming story about 92 year old great-grandmother, Setsuko Takamizawa, deciding to conquer the English language before next year's Tokyo Olympics.  When she was young she was not allowed to study English. When World War Two broke out, she was a first year high school student and the following year English was banned as the enemy language.

She is one of more than 200,000 people who have applied to be volunteers at the Olympics and Paralympics. Less than one percent of the volunteer applicants are over the age of 80. The ability to speak English is not mandatory to be a volunteer, but it is a crucial skill and Mrs. Takamizawa wants to take this opportunity to finally learn the language. Her grandchildren helped convince her that she is not too old to learn. 

According to the EF English Proficiency Index, Japan ranks 49th, which is considered low proficiency. (Sweden ranked is 1st, with very high proficiency).  


kiwikid said...

Good on her!! She is to be admired I think.

jacaranda said...

Wonderful, you are never too old to try something new.

Queeniepatch said...

The OS is an excellent opportunity to learn a bit of English. I am sure taxi companies, shop assistants and many other in the service industries are doing English courses now. And as Jenni said, you are never too old to try something new.

Vireya said...

How inspirational! Good for her, I hope she has great success.

Sheryl said...

Good for her, she has the right attitude.

Jeanie said...

Good for her. I bet she can do it, too. She's got the right stuff!

Leonore Winterer said...

That is awesome! I hope to be like that when I am old(er). That EF list is interesting too - Germany ranks 10th, so still on the 'very high' spectrum!